This sauce is the base for so many things I can’t even tell you! If you have the time to let it reduce for hours, then do. Top it up with water if you need to and stick any veg you’ve got lying around in it. They go so soft and delicious, it’s hard telling exactly what’s in there so it’s perfect for fussy eaters.
The meatballs themselves are deliberately plain to let the sauce do the talking but you could easily spice them up by adding herbs or whatever you fancy. A nice variation is to use pork mince with some chopped sage running through. I’ve said it to serve 4 but with the hungry eaters in our house it usually only makes it to 2 or 3 so adjust as necessary but this amount makes about 14 large meatballs.
Serves 4
For the sauce:
Olive oil
1 red onion, finely chopped
1 red pepper, finely chopped
3 garlic cloved, crushed
300g mushrooms, quartered
3 tbsp mixed herbs
splodge of tomato puree
2 tins chopped tomatoes
1 glass red wine
splashes of Wocestershire sauce and balsamic vinegar
1 chicken stock cube
For the meatballs:
1 kg lean minced beef
1 pack mini mozzarella balls
1 egg
3 tbsp breadcrumbs
salt and pepper
1. Sweat off the onion, pepper and garlic in the oil until soft. Add the mushrooms and herbs and cook for a couple more minutes.
2. Add everything else including the crumbled stock cube and leave to bubble for as long as you can (1-2 hours is best).
3. For the meatballs, squidge together the mince, breadcrumbs, egg and seasoning. Push a blob flat in your palm and stick a mozzarella ball in the middle. Close the mince around it making sure there are no gaps.
4. Cook in the sauce for 10-15 minutes and serve with spaghetti or rice!